Why should you join IEC

There are many reasons why you should join. 

Such as:

  1. Low or Free Membership Costs
  2. Sharpen and Practice your English Skills at Home
  3. Meet New People Both Chinese and Foreign
  4. Earn a Higher Salary or Find a New Job
  5. Find and Download Great English Tools
  6. Travel Abroad with Confidence and Comfort
  7. Receiving Advice on Living in Western Countries
It's difficult to find people to practice your English with, there are few foreigners in comparison to English students in local communities.

This website can help you do that and for free!



You might be wondering if you English is good enough to use this website?  You should try the test over to the right. 

It will continue to ask you questions until it is satisfied and then give you a rating out of six levels (Beginner, Low Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced and Business).  If your level is around Intermediate or higher, then this website is for you! 

If your level is lower you can still become a member but will need to study quite a bit on your own in addition to using this website.

Good Luck